Games of Greed

Torsten Dennin


Games of Greed relie les points entre les Panama Papers, Bernie Madoff, les célèbres traders et escrocs comme Nick Leeson, Jérôme Kerviel, Billy McFarland et Jordan Belfort, le véritable loup de Wall Street. Il s’étend des excès de Main Street et de Wall Street à la Silicon Valley, en passant par la flânerie de Las Vegas, des vols d’art aux marchés boursiers…


Games of Greed connects the dots between the Panama Papers, Bernie Madoff, famous rough traders and con artists like Nick Leeson, Jérôme Kerviel, Billy McFarland & Jordan Belfort, the real Wolf of Wall Street. It spans from the excesses of Main and Wall Street to Silicon Valley and loafing Las Vegas as well as from art heists to stock markets, bitcoins & festival fraud. Some of these real-life stories have been adopted for bestselling books and blockbuster movies, as the best stories are always written by life itself.

Torsten Dennin

Torsten Dennin is an expert in commodity investment & raw materials. He teaches at the Duale Hochschule Baden-Würtemberg (DHBW) in Germany.


14 x 22

348 pages

English manuscript available

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