Who are you, Walter Boehmer ?

Norman Ginzberg


Mai 1975. Alors qu’il se remet d’une soirée trop arrosée, Spencer Schullmann fait une rencontre stupéfiante. Qui est donc cet étrange Walter Boehmer qui a fait irruption dans sa vie ? Un soldat anonyme, comme il le prétend, ou l’auteur de massacres de villageois commis par la sinistre division SS Das Reich en route pour la bataille de Normandie ?


May 1975. While recovering from a drunken night out, Spencer Schullmann makes an amazing encounter. Who is this strange man who burst into his life? An anonymous soldier, as he claims, or the mind behind massacres of villagers committed by the sinister SS Das Reich division on its way to the Battle of Normandy?

Norman Ginzberg

Norman Ginzberg is the son of an American soldier who landed on D-Day at Omaha Beach. He was a journalist for a long time and now runs a communications consulting firm based in Toulouse. He lives in the Gers.


14 x 22

414 pages

French manuscript available

Éditions Privat, 2017

Agence littéraire CGR

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